Saturday, May 30, 2009


If you read the title, you can see that my blog will finally let me title my posts again!!!

Life has just been going on... the last week of school is approaching, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. 
Happy? Because summer is coming up and I get to go to india?
Sad? becuase middle school is over and I won't get to see my friends as much?
Indifferent? Because I already know how high school is going to turn out?
But one thing is sure... this last week is going to be a blast!! Cedar point, the dance, the still-in-it's-early-stages potluck/sleepover, and the doing nothingness. Even the prospect of my math exams does not dampen my spirits. 
Plus, my writer's block has gone away, and Chuck is returning next year, and the metroid prime trilogy is coming out for Wii, and the weather is pretty nice. 
Now for something else-Twitter.
Twitter, the microblogging website, seems to have taken over the world. For those who don't know, Twitter lets you make 140 character posts each time you post. For some perspective, this is 140 characters. 

This is all you can post in a post on the website called Twitter.. One Hundred and Forty characters.  Not even a paragraph. Odd, is it not?

You see? Your freedom of self expression has gone down the drain. I mean, who cares if you're having coffee, or going to Wal-Mart? I don't, for certain... 

Did I mention that I watched Star Trek? Cause I did... and it was really, really, really, good. 


I'm not much of a trekkie (I only watch Star Trek: The Next Generation), but even from what I know, it was a really good representation. 

But that's that. Redoing the blog layout! 

Any ideas? I'm gonna put up a poll. 



melissa said...

do you have a twitter?

Princess Leia said...

No... not sure if I want one.

Jedi Library Data (AKA the history)