Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I worked hard on my new layout... my eyes are watering, I've been concentrating on the computer screen for so long. 

1)Well, I have a solution to war:

A Wii boxing tournament between two countries would solve anything! The army would be trained in Wii boxing, and even the leaders of the countries would have to participate. Get out their aggression, and exercise while solving a major problem! What could be better?

2) Paramore rocks! Any mood you're in, a Paramore song sums it up! 

3) Boba Fett is awesome. It would have been great if he didn't die/if he was on the 'good' side.

4) Good is relative: the evil people don't classify themselves as 'evil' do they? In thier eyes, what they're doing is good. 

5) :)



Sarin said...

I wrote my 7th grd persuasive essay on something like tha!

Unknown said...

i agree!!

Jedi Library Data (AKA the history)